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Pure Node.js simple rate limiting server to prevent bruteforce attacks

This project is maintained by yonjah


Express middleware for ralphi pure Node.js rate limiting server

npm version Build Status codecov Known Vulnerabilities License

Ralphi is a simple rate limiting server intended to prevent bruteforce attacks on logins and other sensitive assets.

For more info about Ralphi other components see ralphi

Plugin Installation

$ npm install -s ralphi-client
$ npm install -s express-ralphi


Integrate rate limiting in express

const express   = require('express');
const app       = express();
const RateLimit = require('express-ralphi');
const client    = new require('ralphi-client')();

app.use('/login', RateLimit({bucket: 'login', client}));
app.get('/login', (rec, res) => res.send('Success'));

login root will be rate limited according to the bucket settings, and rate limiting headers will be sent with the response.

Configuration Options

For convince each configuration option has a method that will create a new instance extending the exiting configuration. so it is easy to have specific route configuration -

const express   = require('express');
const app       = express();
const RateLimit = require('express-ralphi');
const client    = new require('ralphi-client')();

const baseRateLimit = RateLimit({bucket: 'login', client, errorLog: e => console.log(e)});

app.use('/login', baseRateLimit);
app.get('/login', (rec, res) => res.send('Success'));

app.use('/recover', baseRateLimit.bucket('recover'));
app.get('/recover', (rec, res) => res.send('Success'));

app.use('/api', baseRateLimit.onError((e, req, res, next) => next()).bucket('api'));
app.get('/api', (rec, res) => res.send('Success'));